
Sunday 11 May 2014




Just as there are proportion rules for drawing the head, guidelines exist for drawing the human body. You can use average or artistic measurements. The dia­ grams on this page effectively illustrate the differences between these types of propor­ tions. Study them, and make many prac­ tice sketches. As you probably know, an unrealistic figure drawing is easy to spot.
Head lengthas 
a unit of
Jor rest oj body

Realistically, most bodies are about 7-1/2 heads tall (average), but we usually draw them 8 heads tall (artistic) because a fig- ure drawn only 7-1/2 heads tall appears short and squatty.

Try drawing some of your own figures. The first renderings may not look quite right, but keep practicing until you get the hang of it. Remember that figure drawing is much easier when you use a reference, such as a live subject or good photograph. 
Artistic proportions have been used by artists since the ancient Greeh times. 

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