
Sunday 6 July 2014


The proportions of a child's head differ from those of an adult. Children generally have bigger foreheads; therefore the eye brows-not the eyes-fall on the center horizontal division line. Also, the eyes of youngsters usually are larger and rounder than the eyes of adults.

The forehead can be divided into five equal sections with vertices cal lines. You can position the other facial features in relation to these lines as well. 

The younger the child, the smoother the skin and facial features. Keep your shading even and relatively light

Children are fascinating drawing subjects; they bring vitality and life to you r work. 

To correctly place the features, use the horizontal lines shown to the left to divide the region between the child's brow line and the chin into four equal sections. Study where each feature falls in relation to these division lines. 

Practice drawing boys and girls of various ages in different head positions. Keep the shading simple and smooth in these drawings to capture each child's youthful qualities. 


Notice how minimal shading in the final sketches creates a pleasing, artistic quality. 

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